How to Add Widget Areas to Your WordPress Theme

Just found this fantastic tutorial on adding widget areas to any WordPress theme. I successfully set up a new widget area below the content of my posts on another blog I write for in about 5 minutes.

Addwidget Area to Theme: Step 1.

In the index.php file in your theme directory, add the following code to an area where you would like a new widget area. Directly below the content is a good idea if you wish to place adverts, or further reading there. Note we have had to wrap this line of code so it displays. Careful of too many spaces.


	<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || 
!dynamic_sidebar('Post Widget') ) : ?>
	<?php endif; ?>


Step 2.

Then in the functions.php file add the following line, directly below the current widget code:

register_sidebar(array('name'=>'Post Widget',));

Step 3.

Finally, to style the wdiget, add this code to the style.css file:

.widget_post {
	background: #FFFFFF;
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 10px;
	width: 600px;

It really is as simple as that. When you next go to the widgets area in your WordPress control panel, you will see an option for “Post Widget”. There is a more detailed explanation on StudioGrasshopper’s website.

Source: -How to add a Widgetised area in a WordPress theme