Today I have been doing some very simple SEO work for a client. It simply involves analysing backlinks from comments on blogs and then adding a comment of my own. People do this all the time in the world of SEO. It makes me feel a bit dirty though. I feel like I am stalking the competitors.
I am also encouraging my client to create exciting new content so that rather than playing SEO catchup the whole time they are actually the trail blazers in their chosen niche. They are doing this, but still want to chase down the competition in the old fashioned way too.
What is most amusing about this current project is not so much that fact that I am stalking this competitor, but that while reading the comments (yes, I am an SEO who reads the article and the comments and adds value to the discussion) I see that other people have done the same. The same names keep coming up following this first party. Seems that they have a whole group of stalkers trying to muscle in on their territory.
All good fun. Back to writing some content now. Oh. Done it. Time to stalk again….