Efficient Resource Management Is Key to Business Success

Resource-Management-Pie-Chart-and-HistogramAre You Wasting Too Much Time Managing Resources?

An army might march on its stomach, but a business stands or falls depending on its resources. These need to be managed effectively but also efficiently.

Whatever kind of business you operate, it needs resources in the right place at the right time in order to function effectively. These might include people, raw materials, office resources, software or other equipment.

Resource management is a core component of business strategy, but it is also one that can be enormously distracting and time consuming. Having the right resource manager software in place helps ensure your resource management efforts are not just effective, but also that they are lean and efficient. This minimises management time and allows you to focus on making sure the business achieves its broader strategic objectives.

Here, we look at some of the crucial components of an efficient and successful resource management strategy.

Remember the human side

When we talk about resource management, we are discussing every input into a project or process. In the majority of cases, though, those inputs have two arms and two legs. You can have all the equipment and raw materials in the world, but if the people your business depends on are not doing what they need to do when they need to do it, disaster will result.

It is important, then, to keep in mind the soft skills that are necessary for effective people management. That means clear communication, understanding strengths and weaknesses and being able to inspire and motivate.

Match, don’t assign

Following on from this, you need to put some of that human thinking into resource allocation. Find out what people really enjoy doing, and match task allocation wherever possible to what truly inspires people.

Sure, there are always occasions when someone needs to step into the breach and do something that they don’t really enjoy. But when that is the exception as opposed to the rule, there is far more likelihood that they will still put heart and soul into doing the best possible job.

Clarity is key

An effective resource manager has a 360 degree view of what is happening, not just on a given project but across the organisation. Different projects and day to day work will always have an impact on resource availability and allocation, and tunnel vision will lead to surprises right when you don’t need them.

Clarity and transparency are also important for the people at the coalface. Those resources we mentioned will work more productively and effectively if they have a clear view of the organisation’s priorities and the rationale behind them.

Collaboration motivates and drives innovation

When you get a good team working together on a project, the result can be little short of magical, with the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Of course, today’s teams are often geographically dispersed and never actually meet face to face, so a resource management tool that fosters collaboration is vital.

This can really allow teams to develop and thrive, resulting in increased motivation and some innovative ideas to help the business meet its objectives better, faster and cheaper.