Another video of Google’s search expert Matt Cutts. In this one he provides tips to “make a great site” but speaks mostly about simple SEO. Once again he supports WordPress, and basically says that if you use WordPress you do not need to do anything else, as it is great for SEO.
At the end he actually says that you are better off using a simple WordPress layout and having a blog than getting a website custom designed at great cost, especially when starting out.
Many people place a WordPress blog in a subdirectory (often as /blog ) which is really rarely the best idea. If you have an eCommerce site then this may be the best solution so that the homepage remains the store front, but for most business websites it is better for the whole site to be WordPress (just like Webologist is). Homepages can be customized in WordPress now, so design is no longer an issue.
This video is from 2007 and the ValleyWag website that he mentions is no longer around, looks like it got taken over by Gawker. But this is not important, he just mentioned that as an example of how to drum up interest for your site.