Once again Cre8asiteforums.com have produced an excellent resource for web entrepreneurs. This time Iamlost has written a post detailing what he believes to be the most important marketing blogs on the internet at the moment – The Iamlost Top 10 Marketing Blogs, With an emphasis on metrics, branding, and SM.
I shall quote the entire article, as I could not possible paraphrase Iamlost’s fine words:
Even here at Cre8 the talk tends to revolve around search. With a large side party of social media with a search sauce. All the glitz, glamour, and techo. Just about everything is tactical: solutions now for problems now.
The rather dull foundation of business management and planning, the overarching blueprint that is marketing are largely ignored, indeed often told off as time consuming, unnecessary, etc. All one needs to do is add on another bit to the existing structure in true patchwork quilt fashion.
There are (at least) three problems:
* how do you know whether the bits fit together well – is the whole fit for purpose?
* what is the probability of such a shambles scaling?
* where’s the money, or at the very least, where and when is the money going to come from?I expect that most of you are familiar with Brian Clark of CopyBlogger and Avinash Kaushik of Occam’s Razor. But unless you have an interest in enterprise Marketing and it’s entry into Social Media many/most of the other names may well be new.
These are (largely) not people of search. These are people of Marketing (note the capital letters), of Public Relations, and of Branding at the corporate/enterprise level. And they are beginning to benchmark what webdevs have become accustomed to consider their own playground: Social Media. Actual not relative ROI, metrics and measureable outcomes, actionable analysis, planning and campaigns across media…
Are there others of this type worth reading? Certainly. However, these are the current top ten marketing bloggers who light my bulb. Strategic thinking more than tactical. Marketing beyond search. Social Media leveraged. And the conversations are dynamic, stimulating, and very different to what most webdevs encounter in our own little world.
MetricsMan by Don Bartholomew
* Principal of Acumentics Research
* member of the Measurement Commission of the Institute for Public Relations
* adjunct professor at the University of North Texasdimbulb by Jonathan Salem Baskin
independent brand consultantThe BrandBuilder Blog by Olivier Blanchard
Principal at BrandBuilder MarketingCopy Blogger by Brian Clark
new media writer/producer, entrepreneurNeuromarketing by Roger Dooley
President of Dooley Direct, LLCThe Management Cartoonist by Tom Fishburne
* cartoonist (Brand Camp)
* UK Managing Director of methodLairig Marketing by Kevin Horne
independent marketing strategist
Note: this 200-some post blog was only active for 2008. But as an archive of examples and ideas it remains pure gold.ideasonideas by Eric Karjaluoto
Partner at smashLABOccam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik
* Analytics Evangelist for Google
* Author of ‘Web Analytics: An Hour A Day’Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang
Social Media senior analyst for Forrester Research