BuySellAds or Adsense?

People winder why so many websites use adsense to monetize, but now I am realising why – it is so hard to get other people interested. I tried buysellads as they seemed to be quite popular, and the rejected me (update – now accepted). They gave me the following reasons:

  • Your website must have more than 100,000 page impressions per month. (For new sites, if you or your team has a history of creating successful websites within our network, we will accept you.)
  • Your website must be live, finished, and have fresh content.
  • No porn, anything illegal, or even remotely “questionable” content.
  • We do accept non-english sites, but they need to have high traffic.
  • If you have a ton of untargeted ads on your site already, we’re not going to approve you. (You know who you are.)
  • If you do not have your own domain (i.e. you have a * url), we will not approve you.
  • Getting denied does not mean that we will not approve you at a future date, so please make sure you resubmit when you have met the qualifications listed above.

So I tick all those boxes, but they still do not want my business. Strange people.

Has anyone else had their business turned away by I chose them as they are popular and looked like they has some advertisers interested in my niche, but they chose not to accept me. Does not seem a good way to run a business. I’ll be sticking with Adwords/Adsense for a bit longer!

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